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Insider Knowledge: Dewatering


Dewatering is the process of separating liquids from solids, typically in the context of waste materials or sludge. The goal is to reduce the moisture content of the waste, making it easier to handle, transport, and dispose of. This process not only reduces a significant amount of waste, it also lowers the transportation costs and minimizes the environmental impact.


  • Construction Sites: separate sediment and debris from construction runoff, preventing pollution of nearby water bodies.
  • Municipal Wastewater Treatment: removing excess water from sludge before disposal, making the sludge more manageable.
  • Industrial Waste: meet regulatory requirements by reducing the amount of waste set by various regulators and reduce costs.
  • Landfills: Dewatering of waste materials before landfill disposal reduces the volume of waste entering the landfill, optimizing space usage.

Types of dewatering solutions

Woven geotextiles
Woven geotextiles are made by weaving together fibers, such as polypropylene or polyester. They have a high tensile strength and are good at resisting punctures and tears. They are also relatively impermeable to water, making it well-suited for applications where it is important to prevent leakage. Woven geotextiles are also strong enough to support heavy loads, making them a great choice for reinforcement applications.

Non-woven geotextiles are made by bonding fibers together, such as by needle punching or thermal bonding. They have a relatively lower tensile strength than woven geotextiles, however they are more permeable to water. This makes them well-suited for applications where it is important to allow water to drain quickly.

Polyspun geotextiles are made by spinning fibers into yarn and then bonding the yarn together. Polyspun geotextiles are generally stronger than spunbond geotextiles, but are also more expensive. 

Spunbond geotextiles are made by extruding fibers directly onto a collecting surface and then bonding the fibers together. They are less expensive, with lower tensile strength.

Geotextile tubes
Geotextile tubes are large bags made from permeable, high-strength geotextile. They are used to collect and dewater sludge, slurry, and other liquid waste materials. Geotextile tubes are available in a variety of sizes and materials, and they can be customized to fit specific applications.

Check out our dewatering solution

More Resources
Insider Knowledge: Filtration
Revolutionizing Waste Management: The Role of FIBC Bags
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